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Goats could increase the risk of rare lung cancer!

Filed under: Uncategorized — 042103 at 5:20 pm on Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If you work around your chances of getting a rare are highly increased. The disease grows in the goat’s lungs this can also be found in sheep. When your working with them a lot your chance increases to 5 times more likely. This type of lung cancer has a weak association with tobacco and is mostly attracted to females or anyone who has a personal history of cancer.

I liked this because it was interesting. When i was little me and my best friend Rachel raised a bunch of animals on her farm  every weekend. We spent a lot of time at fairs cleaning cages and dealing with animals. On her farm she had two goats (Carl & Bailey.) So i was curios how u could catch it…

Greyhounds blood pressure!”White Coat Effect”

Filed under: Uncategorized — 042103 at 8:47 pm on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Title:  Greyhounds blood pressure! “White Coat Effect”

Date: Sept. 13th 2011*


In a new study, researchers have determined that anxiety associated with being in a veterinary hospital elevates the blood pressure in retired racing greyhounds. In general, normal blood pressure in dogs, as in humans, is 120 over 80. According to the researchers, this study suggests that the presence of the dog owner might have a more calming effect than the passage of time in the clinic. “We see a lot of greyhounds and they are very high-strung dogs,” said the professor of veterinary clinical sciences at Ohio State University and senior author of the study. Some greyhounds come in the clinic with a really high blood pressure that the instrament cant even read. They know this cant possibly be true because if it was the dogs would be dead. The studys show that they never get blood pressure over 150-160. They also foound that the dogs blood pressure is normal at home, its when they come into clinics it rises. when they used to race and then retired there blood pressure was weird. So this means they could get a disease called, “White Coat Effect”. The “White Coat Effect elevates blood pressure.

What i liked:

I like dogs, So this was a good choice for me. I thought this was interesting. I never knew this about dogs. Specificly Retired greyhounds. the diesease occurs off blood pressure.